"Take your chance, don't blow it"
Ah, Maywood... how I love thee. I first wrote about these sisters way back during the early months of this blog. Back then, it was a post on their biggest hit (and still excellent) Late At Night. Since then, I've delved deeper into the girls' back catalog and compiled a best-of album of all of my favorite tracks. The thing about Maywood is that when they're good, they're really good. But they've also got a lot of downtempo filler to sift through. Most of their uptempo numbers are completely awesome in that "guilty pleasure" way, though. Their music is a mix of pop, eurodance, country, and disco. You really can't go wrong with any of their singles, but I chose to post this track because I'm feeling in an especially discotastic mood. And this definitely fits the bill. The girls certainly know their way around a melody. I'll try to remember to post the tracklist of my best-of in the comments later so you can check out Maywood's highlights for yourself. But if you don't get that far, be sure to at least youtube "Distant Love" and "Standing in the Twilight" after listening to this song.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy their greatest hits here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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