"I can see it very well"
I'm really in love with this new album by Elton John and Pnau. Technically, I guess it's actually by Pnau, since they're the ones who re-swizzled Elton's master tapes into modern dance music. But Elton's vocals are all over these songs, so it's really his 70's persona that comes through most clearly. Anyway, I'm obsessed. My only complaint is that, at only eight tracks (one of them instrumental), the album isn't long enough. My favorite tracks, unsurprisingly, borrow from some of my favorite Elton songs. Karmatron is an absolute marvel. It takes some of his most bombastic recordings, like Funeral For A Friend and The Ballad Of Danny Bailey, and makes something even more dramatic. This song simply explodes. It reinterprets Madman Over Troubled Water like you wouldn't believe. And oddly, it doesn't sound miles away from something that could've been included on Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, way back in the 70's. Excellent job, Pnau.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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