"I'll be your queen bee"
Yesterday, Finland revealed their songs competing to represent the country in this year's Eurovision, and as usual, it's a pretty uninspiring bunch. There are, of course, the stock heavy metal bands and folk singers, but definitely not a lot of straight up pop. If I had to support one of the acts, it would be Krista Siegfrids. Sure, the song is super cheesy and comes across kind of like Katy Perry-lite, but I love her voice and the overall catchy production/melody of Marry Me. Krista competed in Finland's version of The Voice, but she seems far more interesting and popstar-ish than the kinds of people they usually get on that show. I'll be curious how she does in the competition, but very surprised if she ends up winning. Regardless, it's a fun song.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to the other entries here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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