"It all makes sense to me"
One Direction's new single has been revealed and it's a bit of a left turn for the band. While previous single Live While We're Young sounded very much like a rehash (and suffered because of this), Little Things is easily the most stripped-back production they've had. It's obvious that it's been written by Ed Sheeran, since it pretty much conforms to all of his songwriting quirks. This could be a problem, but I think it actually fits really well with the boys. Lyrically, the theme echoes that of the self-esteem booster What Makes You Beautiful, but there's something much more personal about this--at times almost uncomfortably so. Will it be their first big ballad on radio? It remains to be seen (I could honestly imagine this going either way), but at the very least it makes me curious about the album. It's nice to hear them trying something a little different, and the melody and harmonies are actually very pretty.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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