"In the darkest hour, there is still hope"
Absolutely euphoric. That's about all I can say when it comes to The Sound Of Arrows' debut album. it may sound like hyperbole, but with the release of Voyage, these guys may have just saved the modern pop album. This track comprises the album's conclusion, so I almost feel wrong offering it for sample out of context. It works best as an earned climax to the journey that the album takes you on, but it's just so damn good that I need people to hear it. If this doesn't make you want to get the album, I don't know what will. At nearly eight minutes, it's the longest, most epic track on the album. Though believe me, it speeds by and almost (in a strange way) seems too short. The grandiose opening will grab your attention, but once those drums usher in that anthemic melody of the verses, you'll be pumping your fist along. In some ways, it's the closest these guys get to a "Don't Stop Believing" moment, though this is not nearly as straightforward. Ugh. It's brilliant. You've gotta play this album loud. Believe me.
The Sound Of Arrows - There Is Still Hope by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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