"This is the moment we've been waiting for"
Up to this point, Australia's Sneaky Sound System have exactly two songs I'd consider perfection. Those would be Kansas City and Thin Disguise, and both have been featured on this blog in the past few years. I haven't decided yet, but this new single might just join them as the third perfect track. The only thing that lets Big down a little are the verses, which have yet to really pop with me. However, the chorus totally makes up for it. It's that grand, swirling pop hook that I can never resist--the kind you'd climb a mountain just to be able to play from the very top of the world. It's an anthem, and you all know how much I love anthems. The album from which this is taken is just around the corner (out Oct. 7th). I've yet to be completely won over by an entire album of theirs, so we'll see how this one does down. I've got high hopes!
Big // Sneaky Sound System by cohabit
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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