"Baby you light up my world like nobody else"
As anyone whose read this blog for awhile knows, I was completely obsessed with last year's season of UK X-Factor. It was reality tv gold in so many ways, and I can't see any season matching it. One of the biggest reasons was the quality (and diversity) of the contestants. I'm glad to see Cher Lloyd doing so well in the charts, even though I despise her debut single. But she wasn't the act I was supporting the most anyway. To preface this, I'm not usually a fan of boybands. Their overly manufactured nature just doesn't appeal to me (I guess they're not really designed to appeal to me, anyway). But you can't deny when something special is happening. The formation of One Direction last season was definitely something special. Rarely has a group fit so well together. Look, personality, sound... it all worked from the beginning and still works now. It's a boyband I'm actually interested in! Today marks the debut of their first single and, like everything else, it works too. In fact, I'd be shocked if this didn't hit number one and stay there. Sometimes you hear a song, so poppy and cheesy and catchy, that just screams "number one single." A track like this is hard not to sing along to, regardless of your taste in music. It's like early Mcfly mixed with Glee mixed with a modernized The Monkees. It's completely ridiculous and cheesy, but don't we all need a bit of that sometime? And it's total boyband in the best way possible.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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